The Tea Shed at Glencar Waterfall

Jonathan Hay & Helen Siberry Hay
Support Provided:
LEADER Business Funding
Grant Awarded:
The Ted Shed at Glencar Waterfall was opened by Jonathan Hay and Helen Siberry in May 2015. Glencar Waterfall is 50ft high and is situated in Glencar Lough and served as an inspiration to William Butler Yeats and features in his poem 'The Stolen Child’. Helen Siberry is a member of the Siberry farm household, the owners of the land around the waterfall. Helen's original home farm household also sits on the site where in the late 1800's to early 1900's a Tea House already existed, ran by Helen's great Aunts. The Tea Shed received funding for the construction costs of the development. This work included the building of a 40 seater coffee shop area, associated retail areas, kitchen & stores, entrance, tourist information area and facilities. The finishes internally are basic, with vinyl floor coverings and simple painted walls. Externally the facility is finished in simple timber cladding and incorporates a grass roof to help integrate the building into the landscape. Local produce is used and sold within the Coffee Shop, offering items such as soup, sandwiches, hot food, tray bakes/sweets, coffee and tea, with areas for local arts, crafts and speciality foods sold. There is also space allocated for local artist/craft persons in residence to work. The facility caters for the hill walking community, families and visitors to the Waterfall. A play facility is created to cater for younger children. The Tea Shed now offers a relaxing retreat for refreshments following a visit to the magnificent Glencar Waterfall.