-Mobile Sharpening Unit for On the Edge Sharpening

On the Edge Sharpening Company Limited
Support Provided:
LEADER Business Funding
Grant Awarded:
On the Edge Sharpening Company is a new start up mobile business to service the catering, butchering, pet grooming, woodworking, food processing and hair salon/barber industries with a fully mobile on-site sharpening service for knives, clippers, scissors, blades and hand-tools. They received RDP LEADER funding for sharpening and honing machines & accessories, knife sharpening machine, scissor sharpening machine and clipper blade honer. The company director has technical experience within the tool and engineering industries sales, demonstrations and specifications having worked as an Area Sales Rep. This is a unique mobile business in the county and will cater for a number of different industries and trades. Due to the nature of the industries involved a mobile unit is the ideal solution as it offers an on-site, while you wait service, minimizing tool downtime and building a lasting rapport with clients. The company slogan is "Put Bluntly: We Sharpen".