-The Old Rectory Solar PV System

Julie Callaghan and Patrick Curran
Support Provided:
LEADER Rural Environmental Renewable Energy Funding
Grant Awarded:
This project involved the installation of an 8kW Solar Photovoltaic System at the Old Rectory in Fenagh. The installation is on the South Facing Roof of an outbuilding adjacent to the Stables Self Catering units. Due to potential shading a state of the art system was chosen that monitors each panel individually and maximises output no matter what the conditions. The installation has reduced energy demand on site.
This project has sustainability at its heart and ties in very well with the rest of the ongoing work at the Old Rectory. The Old Rectory was first awarded the EU Flower symbol in 2006. It was one of the first accommodations in Ireland with this award. The EU Flower is the symbol of the European Eco-label – a guide to greener products and services that are kinder to the environment. The introduction of the Solar PV System complements the existing ethos within the business.