-Leitrim Sub Aqua Club Search & Recovery Project

Leitrim Sub Aqua Club
Support Provided:
LEADER Community Funding
Grant Awarded:
Leitrim Sub Aqua Club was founded in 2000 and supports a wide variety of local groups and state organisations to provide water safety services and search and recovery service related to water incidents and accidents. With LEADER funding of €28,134.67, the Club fitted a new hypalon tubing to the club boat to make it safe for the purpose of training existing & new members of Leitrim Sub Aqua Club on the methods of Underwater Search & Recovery on the River Shannon, lakes in the Leitrim area & North/West Sea area. They purchased the equipment necessary to provide this vital community based service and sent the RIB/Boat away for a period of 2 months for the fitting of new tubing & re-enforcing. The group also purchased the Search & Recovery Equipment for 8 divers including full faced masks, cold water dry suits, underwater communication systems, bouncy control devices and compressed air cylinders.