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Youth Supports


Leitrim Development Company provides on-going support to afterschool services throughout County Leitrim. Funding is provided to afterschool services on a yearly basis to carry out a range of extra-curricular activities which are responsive to the children’s interests. These activities provide an opportunity for children to build new skills as being exposed to new learning opportunities. Training is also carried out for afterschool staff to provide them with new perspectives and fresh new techniques for their daily interactions with children and families.

Leitrim Development Company manages three targeted afterschool programmes. These programmes have been set up to break an inter-generational cycle of educational disadvantage. The afterschool programmes allows children to participate in learning and leisure activities in a safe and stimulating environment. The afterschool programmes encourage youth development, provide the opportunity to improve academic achievement, build on individual’s strengths and capabilities, and foster new skills and talents.

Leitrim Development Company also manages a pre-school service for Traveller children in Carrick-on-Shannon. This programme ensures Traveller children are starting school at the appropriate age and are school ready.

Leitrim Afterschool Network

Leitrim Development Company coordinates and facilitates the Leitrim Afterschool Network. This is a network for all afterschool staff to share information, address common concerns, and organise collaborative afterschool projects. Leitrim Afterschool Network meet on a quarterly basis in Leitrim Development Company, Drumshanbo.

Summer Projects

Leitrim Development Company supports and runs a range of summer projects for children and young people throughout the County. These projects are targeted towards children and families from disadvantaged backgrounds who may not have access to such projects for a variety of reasons. Camps include arts & crafts, dance, water sports and physical sports.

Special Needs Education

Leitrim Development Company works closely with Primary and Post Primary Schools, to support students to participate fully in the education system, particularly children with special educational needs. Leitrim Development Company is currently developing a series of in-school programmes in primary and post-primary schools to address educational inequality. The aim of these programmes will be to prevent early school leaving as well as easing the transition to further education or training.

Leitrim Development Company also provides support to the Dyslexia Workshop based in Carrick-on-Shannon. This initiative is driven by a parents based community group.

For more information contact:

Michelle McLoughlin
Education & Youth Support Worker
Leitrim Development Company
Church Street
Co. Leitrim
Tel: 071 9641770

Main Office

Church Street
Co. Leitrim N41 RF24

Tel: (071) 9641770
Fax: (071) 9641741

Sub Offices

Mohill Enterprise Centre
Co. Leitrim N41 Y4C0

Tel: (071) 9631715
Fax: (071) 9631895


New Line
Co. Leitrim F91 YK5R

Tel/Fax: (071) 9856016

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The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021 -2027.

Leitrim Integrated Development Company Ltd - Reg. Office, Drumshanbo, Co. Leitrim. Reg. No. 451100

European Commission Website EAFRD

Department of Rural & Community Development

EU Funds Website

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