Blume Garden Design: A Branding Project entitled ‘A love letter to the West’

Leonie Cornelius- Blume Garden Design
Support Provided:
LEADER Business Funding
Grant Awarded:
Leonie Cornelius is a garden designer and interior architect based in North Leitrim. Her business Blume Garden Designs has a major profile in Irish, English and European magazines such as the Sunday Times, Irish Times, Irish Independent and many other garden design magazines. Leonie is most well known for her appearance and winner on RTE’s Supergarden in April 2012. Blume Design received funding towards the cost of erecting a medium sized garden at Bloom in the RDS in June and also promotional work before and after bloom to raise the profile of her business. The title of the branding project for which funding was sought was ‘A Love Letter to the West’, a branding showgarden at Bloom in the Phoenix Park 2013 based on Leonie’s Leitrim brand which showcases her unique style, approach and talent. The garden was available for visitors to Bloom to view over a three week period. It was then taken down and rebuilt again in rural County Leitrim in a community setting at Doon Lake, Newtownmanor along the lake shore. The garden design took its inspiration from Leitrim’s sloping meadows and Tullaghan’s famous waves as well as the regions unique heritage and style.